Dating After the #Metoo Movement: How to Read Body Language to Know If She's Into You! Relationships

30Seconds Mom
6 years ago

Dating can be tough, embarrassing and sometimes very awkward. And dating during the times we are, with the #metoo movement, is making it even harder to decipher whether or not someone is interested – and if they'd like you to make a move towards a kiss. Cher Gopman from The NYC Wingwoman teaches men the woman's perspective on dating. Her dating techniques have been proved successful time and time again. Here are three signs for reading body language that say she's into you:

  • She giggles. Women will often giggle when trying to impress you, connect with you or if they are intimidating by you (in a good way). If she makes eye contact with you while giggling this is a sign that she is flirting with you.
  • She touches you. If she touches you on the arm while you are conversing, this is a sign that she is flirting with you. Be aware of her joking with you and lightly tapping your arm. Women will often do this and not even realize, especially if they are into a guy!
  • Touching her hair. A woman lightly touching her hair or playing with a curl is often a sign that she is flirting or interested in you. But, constant touching of her hair can mean she is stressed. Pay attention to which type of hair stroke this is in order to better gauge her thoughts.

Here are three tips to help draw her in:

  • Posture: Good posture can make a big difference! Standing up nice and straight shows that you are confident and prepared for anything. I always recommend my clients take a deep breath prior to walking into a room or walking up to a woman. The deep breath will lift your shoulder and give you that nice confident appearance.
  • Open Up: Opening up your arms while talking and even using some hand gestures will make her feel more relaxed with you. Do not cross your arms or touch your face during your conversations with a woman. You want her to feel invited in and not appear nerves or closed off.
  • Smile: A smile can change everything! By smiling, you are coming off as non-threatening and fun. A woman is also more likely to engage with a stranger that smiles.

Learn more about The NYC Wingwoman

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Comments (2)

Elisa Schmitz
So true. Things seem different now. #metoo
Mike Prochaska
Oh man glad those days
Are over
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