One Phone Call Was All It Took to Change the Way I Think About Parenting Parenting Opinion

Recently, a woman phoned my house and spoke briefly to my husband. This one phone call and the reason behind it was a parenting shake-up. Not only did it change the way I think about my parenting methods, but also about the fellow parents in my midst.

It turns out our daughters are in school together. And my daughter shared something with hers, something serious that was really bothering her. Something, for whatever reason, she did not share with us, her parents. Instead, she told her friend who in turn confided in her own mother.

Had it not been for this concerned mom taking the time to look our number up and make the call we would have had no idea that anything was bothering our kid.

Not long ago, it took a village to raise a child. But somehow over the past 30 years, this community of concerned parents has slowly dispersed. An isolation effect has occurred within society, and each family drifts along in their own little bubble, reluctant to pop or be popped.

Until now.

Would I do the same for someone else’s child? Without fear of reproach? Without any judgement?

I will now.

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Comments (3)

Mike Prochaska
Yes of course happens to me all the time when all kids get off bus all kids tell me about there day and sometimes not there own parents
Elisa Schmitz
I totally agree. We need to step up and help each other parent. One way is by sharing information when we get it. It's truly amazing how many times parents are unaware of something their child does, while other parents are in the know. Thank you for putting this out there, Tanya Kuzmanovic !
Michael Kennedy
Great article. 100% We try to pop the bubble by being present at the schools through events and volunteering combined with established community/school events, even field trip chaperoning. It's not fool proof as things will always slip through the cracks, but it allows us to openly communicate with a solid percentage of parents .
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