How to Stay Grounded When Your Kids Are Pushing Every Button! Parenting Motherhood

Parenting is challenging, no doubt. Kids are skilled button pushers from a remarkably young age. Sometimes that’s accidental on their part; sometimes it’s intentional. But regardless, staying calm and grounded yourself is pretty much a prerequisite. So what's a parent to do? 

  • Meet your own basic needs. 
  • Give yourself a time-out when you’re getting triggered. 
  • Determine what you value the most, and behave in accordance. 

This might seem like a tall order. But an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Stepping back and being thoughtful will serve you; you can start making the right changes instead of the same mistakes.

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Comments (5)

Elisa Schmitz
Absolutely love this, hollybrownMFT . It seems like the older my kids got, the more this became an issue (teens are tough). I never regret stepping away before getting overloaded, and I always regret not stepping away when things get to be too much!
Holly Brown MFT
Ditto! I have to live all these tips to write them!
Meredith Schneider
Thank you so much hollybrownMFT for sharing this! With summer here and 4 kids home I'm gonna need a lot of time outs.
Holly Brown MFT
Four against one--that's intense. Wishing you an easy summer!
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