Mom, Learn to Keep Yourself Warm First: Here Are 5 Self-care Do's & Don'ts! Motherhood Parenting

Sheryl Gould
7 years ago

Here's a great reminder for moms: "You don't have to set yourself on fire to keep others warm." We can get so busy caring for our loved ones and making sure everyone's happy that we end up exhausted, stressed and ignore our own needs. Here's a few do's and don'ts to take care of YOU!

  • Don't overdo for your kids.
  • Do allow them to learn to be responsible from their natural consequences.
  • Don't exhaust yourself by trying to make sure everyone's happy.
  • Do accept others feelings and where they're at. Don't give unsolicited advice. Instead listen and be present. Ask the question, "What do you want to do?"
  • Do the things that are nourishing to you daily – light a candle, take a walk, read a book. 

Remember to "keep yourself warm" first and "share a blanket" instead!

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Comments (2)

Elisa Schmitz
This is something most moms I know need to work on. Thank you for the wonderful visual to help us remember, Sheryl Gould !
Sheryl Gould
Thank you Elisa! It's something I have to remind myself of daily! XOXO
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