Hacks for Bottle & Breastfeeding: Where to Store Your Baby-Feeding Products! Baby

Charong Chow
7 years ago

Bottle or breast, which is best? As far as mom.life is concerned, a fed baby is a happy baby. So, how does a new mom navigate this new baby feeding game? We've got a few great hacks for you. Here's one of our favorites: organize your bottle and breastfeeding products within regular kitchen items.

  • You don't need a fancy set of supplies for organizing all the pieces and parts needed for feeding Baby – a few containers that work with your decor with a handy dandy label maker is all you really need. 
  • Don't be afraid to put those supplies in with your regular kitchen items. It makes mealtime a one-stop shop in your cabinet this way. 

Read more bottle and breastfeeding hacks here

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