When Things Don’t Go the Way You Thought (& You Told Your Kids It Would)! Opinion

When I voted in California, people were joyfully having their photos taken with “I voted” stickers. One mother said to her two young children, “You are going to see the first woman President of the United States.” Her son replied, “We don’t know that yet.” I don’t know what she told her children after the election, but this is what I would say:

I am honestly disappointed. This was a big surprise to all. It means that we have more work to do. We can’t let our disappointment make us bitter or hateful. We need to continue to be loving and kind. Secretary Clinton came the closest of any woman to becoming president. We are proud of her. She has laid the trail for another woman to be the first. Even though I feel shocked and sad, I am still optimistic. I will do my part to help heal and make the USA a better place for all.

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