This School Morning Lunch Box Hack Can Save Your Sanity! Parenting

Packing lunches for school or having a plan of what the kiddos will snack on during the day can be challenging. So here's a super awesome tip that will eliminate the morning chaos and give you ease of mind: a shoe organizer.

You can buy this shoe organizer that has 26 compartments. If you keep up with this and simply pack this nine times you will be set for the whole school year. You can easily go to the store, pick out what you want, times it by the number of quality in the box that equals 26, and just like that you have your month’s worth of snack and lunches packed. Just add the sandwich! All set!

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Comments (2)

Elisa Schmitz
This is such a neat idea, Francielle Daly! I'm all about making things easy in the morning. I love that you can just grab and go!!
Francielle Daly
It's so helpful to have things planned out! Sure saves times! :)
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