Gratitude: 5 Ways to Teach Kids Thankfulness This Holiday Season! Holidays Parenting

Thanksgiving is the perfect time to show your children the importance of giving thanks and appreciation to the village that helps raise them. Here are five ways to teach thankfulness! 

  • Personalized notes or pictures.
  • Homemade treats
  • Thank-you crafts such as a thank-you tree, thankful turkey hands or thankful place cards
  • Donating
  • Modeling gratitude daily: Remember to thank the people you and your children encounter each day, such as crossing guards, mailmen and store clerks

Your child is watching what you do and say, so modeling gratitude for your child will have a big impact!

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Comments (2)

Elisa Schmitz
Love this tip, Jill Ceder, LMSW, JD! Gratitude is the reason for this holiday and kids need to embody that! 😀
Marla Parker
My 14-year old will be volunteering her time serving at our annual community Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday (her choice) and her and her dad will be bell ringing for the Salvation Army for a couple hours on glad the desire is there to serve others. Happy Thanksgiving To All!
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