Is Back-to-School Panic Setting In? 7 Steps to Make It Easier! by Katie Lewis

7 years ago

Is Back-to-School Panic Setting In? 7 Steps to Make It Easier!

To help you prepare for back-to-school and make sure you have everything ready for your kids’ first day, we’ve come up with a timeline/checklist to help you prepare and make the transition easier! On the day before school starts:

  1. Prepare lunches and snacks for the first day (add a "good luck – I love you" note!).
  2. Pack school supplies.
  3. Lay out clothes.
  4. Set alarm clocks for the morning.
  5. Check backpacks to ensure all supplies are packed.
  6. Talk with your children about after-school activities, car pool arrangements, etc.
  7. Have a special dinner to mark the last night of freedom!

Here you go!

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