Gossip & Mean Girls: What Others Think of Me Is None of My Business ... or Is It? by Holly Budde

Opinion Motherhood
6 years ago

Gossip & Mean Girls: What Others Think of Me Is None of My Business ... or Is It?

Gossip and "mean girls" are real at every age. I long ago adopted the philosophy of "what others think of me is none is none of my business." I still hold that as true. But what if what others are saying about you (or me) is because we have loaned the option by participating?

Have you ever been told nasty gossip about a good friend? My motto has always been, “don’t tell me something to make me judge another based on what you are saying.” That is easier said than done!

Gossip is a fact of life – it’s a stress reliever by definition, and often a bonding tool among the participants. But we have to draw the line! Gossip is also a key form of anxiety. It can cause more harm than good. What do you do with the information you are given? Do you call a friend who would love to know this detail? Do you keep it as secret? How you handle gossip is as much a part of your friendships as you are. I encourage you to play by the "three-rule" next time:

  1. Is it true?
  2. Is it necessary? (Repeat this, if necessary!)
  3. Is there any real benefit?

Gossip comes and goes, real friends don’t, so weigh your options wisely! We should empower each other. If someone's actions cause you to gossip, ask yourself … why?

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Donna John
Yes, yes, yes! Wiser words were never spoken, Holly Budde . I kicked gossiping to the curb, too, a long time ago. I saw how it can hurt people. Now, if someone starts gossiping to me, I'll listen but won't respond. They usually get the message and stop. Tired of negativity. Use that energy of gossiping for something GOOD.
Elisa Schmitz
Thank you for sharing this! Sooo tired of the gossip that doesn’t seem to end in childhood. So many people need to read this and heed this! Holly Budde you are spot on...
Holly Budde
Donna John and Elisa All Schmitz 30Seconds I aKNOW! sometimes i think "how old are we?".It consumes me in a counterproductive way. i would rather not know ! plus, if they are telling you they are also talking about you. Unfortunately, I lost a good friend (or at least a friendship I valued!). we as woman should see the flags and end it
Mike Prochaska
Amen!! Someone wrote my tip about gossip! I just ignore it! I don’t have time for that drama. If they talking about me I don’t care lol but mostly it about petty stuff. #hidefromgossip my new twitter hashtag during naptime.
Holly Budde
LOL Mike Prochaska i always say if they are talking to you, they are also talking about you --sounds funny but its not ! I'll join you w #hidingfromgossip hashtag during lunch bc it drains Me!!

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