Are You a Lawnmower Parent? Not Sure? Take This Quiz & Find Out! by Kelli Porcaro

Parenting Teens
6 years ago

Are You a Lawnmower Parent? Not Sure? Take This Quiz & Find Out!

Lawnmowers were designed to clear a path. When we do this for our teens, we are clearing a path that is free of obstacles, challenges and snares. While intentions are good, the lawnmower mows down the opportunities our teens need to learn how to navigate life on their own. Step away from the lawnmower when you feel the need to:

  • Provide specific, step-by-step directions to make sure everything goes to (your) plan. This diminishes your teen's confidence.
  • Advocate for your teen with their teachers. When you take the lead you send a message that they can’t handle it.
  • Shielding your teen from chores. Chores teach kids responsibility and what it means to be part of a family.
  • Run to the school for a missing lunch or gym clothes. These experiences will help teens learn to plan ahead and take responsibility for their own schedules and belongings.

It's hard to see our kids struggle, but it's in the struggle where they learn how to make decisions and apply consequential thinking. Now, go put that mower in the shed!!

Not sure if you are a lawnmower parent? Take this short quiz and find out!

Lawnmower Parents: How You Can Avoid Being One (& Why You Should)

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Donna John
Took the quiz. Am I a lawnmower parent? Not a chance. :-) Great tip, Kelli Schulte !
Kelli Porcaro
hahaha Way to go Donna John !! Wish I could say the same! : )
I failed my own quiz!! : )
Elisa Schmitz
This is so helpful, Kelli Schulte ! I'll bet many parents think they're not lawnmower parents. But taking this quiz, I got a couple "maybes," which surprised me. I'll keep working at it, LOL! Thank you! Donna John
Ann Marie Patitucci
Great tip, Kelli Schulte ! Now to take the quiz... AGH!
Ann Marie Patitucci
Ok, I don't have teens so I can't exactly take the quiz but it's great food for thought as my kids get older! I am working on all of this now in preparation... I think it's possible to become a lawnmower parent when they're younger and then it's a hard habit to break! I think I already have tendencies. :(
Mike Prochaska
Hell no I let them fall down so they get back up! That most important lesson in life for kids

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