Track Snacks: How Logging What You Eat Can Help You Lose Weight Weight Loss

Jennifer Young
6 years ago

Want to lose weight and get healthy? Keeping a notebook or using an online weight control logger or app can greatly assist your health and weight-loss goals. Writing down and logging what you eat gives you a better understanding of the calories and fat you ingest, as well as food and how much of it. 

There's also a feeling of accountability, since you may think twice about eating that extra snack if you have to write it down. By creating a visual, you can modify your diet and tweak it if need. This will also increase the likelihood that you will keep off those extra pounds and stay healthy!

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Comments (1)

Donna John
This is so true, @jfoyohealth. My husband and I used MyFitnessPal for a while, and he lost over 40 pounds and I lost about 14. It really helps to know exactly what you've eaten during the day, and makes you more aware.
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