Smile Meditation: 5 Happy Ways to Manifest Self-Love Every Day Mindfulness

Adora Winquist
6 months ago

Each day is a time of new beginning, hope for the future and a fresh infusion of energy and lifeforce. To fully receive this renewed sense of vitality and clarity, we are called to let go of the old patterns that no longer serve us. This is the perfect time to clear out the emotional clutter and negative thought patterns that hinder our happiness.

May this day offer you a fresh, new canvas for you to paint your greater dreams and desires for healthier living and self-honoring practices that nourish your body, mind and spirit. Here are five ways to manifest self-love every day:

  • Commit to a simple, actionable practice of movement consistently. Walking, yoga, aerobic exercise are ways to increase vitality and strengthen your body and mind. Your body is your temple, a finely tuned instrument for your highest creative expression of life.
  • Harness your monkey mind. Your thoughts create experience and emotional outcomes. Your positive mindset is a creative force for greater well-being and harmony.
  • Embrace your feelings. Nourish your emotional resilience. Denying feelings creates depressive energy in our body and mind. Accepting what is present in our feeling experience in life is empowering. We can build emotional resilience through healthy habit practices with pure essential oils and other mindful practices.
  • Commune with nature. The natural world offers a rich and diverse sense of solace, strength and great beauty that can be found through simplicity. If you cannot go for that hike, swim or forest bath, you can incorporate plants, crystals and pure essential oils to comfort and inspire all your senses.
  • Connect with spirit. Expand your connection to infinite spirit and elevate your ability to attract abundance.

Give this simple smile meditation a go for five minutes a day and feel the easeful upliftment that comes forth from within you:

  1. Make yourself comfortable.
  2. Place a drop of your favorite essential oil on the left palm of your hand and take a deep breath in.
  3. Invite your intention to connect with the infinite spirit within you.
  4. As you inhale, let a big grin emerge from ear to ear.
  5. On your next breath in, imagine your heart smiling. Then your mind.
  6. This may feel a little funny at first! And great if it does, let those giggles out!
  7. Then envision your soul smiling. With each breath your joy is expanding.
  8. Then envision your organs all emailing brain, heart, lungs, stomach, liver, adrenals, kidneys. You get the drift.
  9. Keep smiling until you feel each one of your cells (at least a trillion) smiling with you! 

How great do you feel now?

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Comments (3)

Beautiful tips. Keep smiling. 😀
I like to meditate before bedtime as a way to calm my monkey mind and settle down for sleep.
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