Considering Freezing Your Eggs? 7 Realities Every Woman Should Know! Women's Health

If you're thinking about freezing your eggs, Dr. Angie Beltsos, of the Fertility Centers of Illinois, says there's some things you need to know. Here are seven of them!

  • Considering it? You’re ahead of the game. 
  • You’ll walk away with more than just frozen eggs. Doing egg retrieval is an involved process that provides a wealth of personal medical information on fertility potential. 
  • It’ll require some work and two months of time. 
  • You’re going to need to get over your fear of needles.
  • It’s not cheap and there’s no guarantee. 
  • We can assess ovarian potential with testing before getting started. 
  • If it’s a possibility, freeze embryos instead.

Find a fertility expert you trust – and good luck on your journey to parenthood!

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