Empowering Kids: Here Are 5 Ways Parents Can Empower Tweens & Teens Kids

Sheryl Gould
5 years ago

Teaching kids to take personal responsibility for their lives is the heart and soul of empowering them. Here are five ways we can empower our kids:

  • Teach them to come up with solutions to their problems. Ask questions like, “What do you want to do about that?” or “What are some options that you have?”
  • Begin to let go of the reins and give them more ownership of their lives. Give them age-appropriate responsibilities and hold them accountable, like their own laundry, chores around the house and to earn/spend their own money.
  • Hold your teen with positive regard and see them as capable of making good choices. If we view our child as incapable, we will be tempted to rescue them. 
  • Allow them to make mistakes and learn from them. Avoid criticizing their mistakes. They are teenagers after all. Remind them that they are learning.
  • Don’t allow them to get away with blaming others for their own irresponsibility. Empower kids to think differently about how their behavior impacts their life and the lives of others.

We have the privilege of guiding, supporting and modeling personal responsibility for our teens. With time, watch them take ownership and responsibility for their lives.

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Comments (1)

Elisa Schmitz
You make excellent points, as always, Sheryl Gould . Thank you for all the insights you share with us! ❤️
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