City Dads Group: My Interview With Co-Founder & Stay-at-Home Dad Matthew Schneider by Mike Prochaska

5 years ago

City Dads Group: My Interview With Co-Founder & Stay-at-Home Dad Matthew Schneider

Matthew Schneider is the co-founder of City Dads Group and one the organizers of the New York City Dads Group. Matthew is a stay-at-home dad to his two boys who are 12 years old and 9 years old. Read on to learn more about Matthew...

Q. When did you become a stay-at-home dad?

"July, 2005, when my first son was born. I planned on taking off one year from my post as a sixth-grade teacher, but nearly 13 years later, I'm still home."

Q. What are your favorite activities to do with your kids?

"I love summer because we actually have time to have adventures. We love biking all over New York City and we get more adventurous each summer. We also enjoy getting out of the city to go camping and visits friends across the country."

Q. What is the hardest part about being a stay-at-home dad?

"Now that I work at home, it is very challenging to balance my focus between work and time with the boys. I am home every day after school, but as they get older, I'm finding that most days they don't need (or want) much of my attention beyond getting them to sports practices, music lessons, etc. That said, they know I'm here for those times they do need me."

Q. What advice do you have for first-time dads?

"I always tell dads to jump right into everything related to parenting. None of it is rocket science – you have to learn and practice calming a crying baby and figuring out the best position for the post-feeding burp." 

Q. What are your hobbies?

"Most of my free time outside of parenting is focused on City Dads Group, our communities of dads across the United States. As a family, we try to take advantage of the fact that we live in New York City by enjoying everything it has to offer."

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Elisa Schmitz
How awesome! Very inspiring!

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