Got a Picky Eater? Here's an Outta-This-World Idea to Get Your Kid to Eat! Parenting

Ali Mathis
7 years ago

When my son was 3, it was difficult to get him to try anything new, especially any food that wasn't white, like bread. One evening, I made up a tale that space aliens (friendly, of course) had left us some of their food to try (spinach ravioli). The aliens, I explained, would be very hurt if we didn't try some of their favorite space food. And, by the way, how lucky that WE were the family chosen to try their food! My picky eater gobbled up both my story and the ravioli. 

Enjoy making homemade ravioli? Get your kids involved! Kids are usually more willing to try something new if they've had a hand in making it. If you want a simple recipe, try ravioli with spinach Alfredo sauce on your picky eater. Get the recipe here!

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