Developing Kids' Comprehension & Language Skills: Why You Should Play "I Spy!" Activities Parenting

Did you know that playing games like “I Spy” can help your child develop comprehension and expressive language skills? When you play “I Spy” you're actually encouraging your kids to describe. Verbal description is how we use words to create visual images. Pick an item in your house, in the car or even at the supermarket and then describe it. For example:

  • “I spy something that is round on the wall and you use to tell time.” 
  • "I spy something that has a motor, purees and makes smoothies."
  • "I spy something that grows and is pollinated by bees."

After your child guesses what you have described, then have him give you some clues about something that he sees. This skill is critical for reading, writing and talking!

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Comments (3)

Mike Prochaska
Yes yes couldn't agree more
I've been playing this in school with my kiddos for over 16 years with confused and angry looks from my admins! Now I have more published proof! Awesome article and love how accessible this is for parents too!
Mindy Hudon, M.S., CCC-SLP
Thanks! It’s fun too, right??
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