5 No-Sugar Valentine's Day Ideas for Kids to Boost Love & Caring! Holidays

Many kids think Valentine’s Day is all about candy instead of love and relationships. Equating love with how much candy one gets is unhealthy for teeth as well as emotional health. That doesn't mean that candy can’t be part of a Valentine’s Day celebration, just be sure it’s not the main focus. Try these five ideas to promote more love and caring on Valentine’s Day!

  • Give lots of heartfelt hugs.
  • Write in your Valentine’s Day card to your children how they are special to you and don’t forget to say “I love you.” 
  • Help your kids write heartfelt messages to siblings and relatives until they can do it on their own.
  • Encourage by example! Act kindly toward others and say "Happy Valentine’s Day" to the people in your community.
  • Ask your kids for their ideas on how to spread more love and kindness on Valentine’s Day.

Happy Valentine's Day!

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