Time to Clean Your House ... Again? 4 Easy Cleaning Tips for Busy Moms! Parenting Home

Naimah Razak
7 years ago

Hate cleaning? Here are some tips to help turn that frown upside down!

  • Touch everything only once! Do not move piles around. I have a habit of sorting mail right away and throwing out the ones that are junk. Then I open and keep all the bills and envelopes.
  • Never leave a room without picking it up, even a little. For example, you come down to the kitchen and see snacks left out from the night before. Put them away! Or you are leaving the living room and there is a piece of scrap paper leftover from a craft. Pick it up and put it away or trash it!
  • Clean a little every day. Spend about 30 minutes every day cleaning the house and it will never get to a state that drives you crazy and overwhelms you.
  • Everything has to have a home! Especially toys! This makes cleaning up so much easier when you know exactly where something goes.

Less mess equals less stress!

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Comments (1)

Chloe Taylor
Great tips! Also, we have to make sure that we are using effective and, most of all, safe cleaning supplies ( ) It's our job to make our home healthier environment to live in. Especially parents with small kids :)
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