What Milestones to Expect During Baby's First Year! Baby

Is there a skill or ability you're super excited to see your baby master? Here are the highlights to watch for during your baby’s first year! But remember, every baby is different! 

  • 2 months: smiles, turns head towards sounds, follows things/people with eyes
  • 4 months: copies facial expressions, begins babbling, reaches for toys, holds head unsupported
  • 6 months: recognizes familiar faces, responds to other’s emotions, looks at self in mirrors, responds to own name, shows curiosity, passes objects between hands, rolls over, sits without support
  • 9 months: clings to familiar adults, understands “no,” points with fingers, plays peek-a-boo, uses pincer grasp, stands with support, crawls
  • 1 year: Repeats sounds or actions, gestures, follows simple directions, may stand alone or take first steps

Read more about baby's first-year-milestones here!

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