Do You Show Empathy to Fellow Parents? Questions to Ask Yourself! Parenting

There’s been so much parent shaming online lately, particularly in response to tragic accidents in which children were hurt and in some cases even died. Clearly the children’s parents were experiencing unimaginable pain, and yet so many fellow parents didn’t show compassion, but rather criticized and blamed the parents, accusing them of negligence. Some even went so far as to send one of the mothers death threats. I have to ask my fellow parents: 

  • Are we perfect mothers and fathers? 
  • Are we in a place to cast stones? 
  • Is this the best we can do? 
  • If you were facing your worst possible fear, the loss of your child, is this what you would expect from fellow parents, from fellow human beings? Hatred and blame? 

I believe what the world needs now is EMPATHY. Let’s model it for our kids.

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