The Holidays & Divorce: 8 Tips & Tricks for Your Self-Help Toolbox! Holidays Motherhood

Ingrid Echter
7 years ago

During the holidays, it’s hard to escape the emotions – there is so much meaning, memories and hopes associated during this time of year. Time to create your own self-help toolbox! Here are eight tips that helped me:

  1. Feel the emotions, and cry if you need to – it’s the only way to let it go
  2. Share with someone how you feel
  3. Accept the situation
  4. Workout
  5. Meditate
  6. Be present
  7. Don’t let the stories in your head take control of you
  8. Act in your child’s best interest

Fill the toolbox with things that you know work for you and borrow from others, switching out what doesn’t work.

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