Ho-Ho-Choo! 10 Common Things That May Cause Holiday Allergies! Holidays

Mei Marcie
8 years ago

The holidays are meant to be joyful, but allergies can really spoil the fun for kids and adults alike! Here are 10 things to watch out for during the holidays that may trigger allergies! 

  1. Christmas tree
  2. Poinsettias
  3. Christmas cactus (it's not so much the plants, but the mold and dust mites on them - artificial trees can harbor these, too)
  4. Christmas candy
  5. Foods and cocktails (always inform the host of any allergies)
  6. Pets
  7. Dust mites
  8. Artificial snow
  9. Stress
  10. Candles, air fresheners and potpourri. 

Be wary of airborne allergens and take the stress down a notch!

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