3 Conditions That Can Cause Lazy Eye (Amblyopia) in Kids Kids' Health

Mei Marcie
7 years ago

Lazy eye (amblyopia) refers to poor vision due to incomplete visual development within the brain. If left untreated, there's risk that the brain will ignore the images from the lazy eye permanently. Here are three common causes of amblyopia!

  • High myopia, hyperopia or astigmatism in one eye: The image from this eye is blurred and over time the brain will rely on the other eye.
  • Strabismus, also known as squint: Refers to misalignment of one eye where one eye is off to the left, right, up or down. The turned (squinting) eye becomes less dominant over time.
  • Blockage in one eye: This can be due to droopy eye lid or childhood cataract. It may also be a blood clot or scar that blocks the vision of one eye.

Eye screening tests during preschool can help detect it early! Learn more about lazy eye here.

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