This Baking Hack Helps Reduce Your Family's Sugar Intake! Cooking Tips

If you’re worried about the amount of sugar your child is eating, use applesauce as a substitute next time you plan to bake a cake or make cookies. The natural sweetness of the applesauce can easily replace refined white or natural brown sugar. As a general rule:

  • replace two-thirds of the required sugar with applesauce in cookie or brownie recipes 
  • replace half the sugar required for most cake recipes

You’ll still have delicious-tasting treats without the added calories (and kids likely won't even notice)!

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Comments (3)

Mei Marcie
Thanks! Plus sugar is super bad for skin!
Here's a dermatologist tip from a blog interview
Excess sugar also leads to something called glycation. Glycation is what happens with excess glucose and glucose metabolic products permanently bind to fat, proteins and even nucleic acids (in our DNA). The combination of the excess glucose and the proteins and fats are called advanced glycation endproducs (AGEs) and they are what ‘gunk up the system’ and lead to many pro-inflammatory pathways.
Nicole DeAvilla
Thanks Samantha Kemp-Jackson for the handy rule of thumb for the apple sauce replacement. I knew about it but wasn't sure what the proportions were.
Donna John
Good to know, Mei Marcie! Thanks for sharing! I will definitely the applesauce switch the next time I bake, @samanthakempjackson. Great tip!
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