Summer Beauty: DIY Tips for Smooth, Bump-Free Hair Removal Skin Care

Need some hair removal attention for summer? Deanna Renda, founder of Naples Soap Company, shares her simple DIY tips to prep your skin for smooth, bump-free hair removal. 

  • Cleanse – Cleansing the skin can prevent infections and remove dirt from the treatment area. The easiest way to cleanse the skin is to have a warm shower or bath that not only cleanses, but opens up the pores.
  • Exfoliate – A gentle exfoliation to the skin improves circulation and promotes regeneration of the skin cells. This can be achieved through loofahs, washcloths, scrubs and brushes. You can also use body scrubs with sea salt, which is gentle on the skin.
  • Soften Hair and Skin – Heat and moisture is the most effective way to soften the hair and skin. Using of a good, natural shaving cream can also be the key to a bump-free bikini area.
  • Minimize Friction – When moving an implement across your skin to remove hair, it is important to resist friction. This can be accomplished using soap or cream. Soothing and creamy elements such as shea butter help the glide, so look for the right blend.

What to do if you break out in pimples after removing hair? Soak a cotton swab in alcohol-free witch hazel and preferably cold aloe vera and apply to the bumpy area. After the witch hazel and aloe vera have evaporated, apply a few drops of pure, cold-pressed argan oil to the area. Use a gentle soap to eliminate further irritation.

See more tips on – Inspire and be inspired!
Shaving Cream $3 & Up
Loofahs $6 & Up
Body Brushes $5 & Up
Shea Butter $5 & Up
Witch Hazel $5 & Up

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