Tired, Mom-to-Be? Here's Why the Third Trimester of Pregnancy Is Like Life With a 6-Month-Old Baby by Melissa Hurt

Tired, Mom-to-Be? Here's Why the Third Trimester of Pregnancy Is Like Life With a 6-Month-Old Baby

Now that you are in the third trimester, you may be feeling tired again. You may be having a hard time taking a deep breath because the baby has grown so big that your internal organs are compressed. Your body aches and you are ready to deliver. this. baby!

Believe it or not, you reach a different kind of tired once Baby reaches the 6-month-old mark. Baby may have gone through the 4-month sleep regression and will start teething (though all babies grow at different rates). Your sleep may become more interrupted as you comfort him or her. Baby may have sleep disruptions as his or her brain works out rolling over into table-top position toward crawling. It takes a lot for the body to work this out!

Your baby will have grown bigger and heavier and your upper back may ache from holding Baby so much. I suggest wearing a baby sling around the house to help free your shoulders and gain mobility in the upper back again.

Your baby will eventually regain connected sleep again and so will you. Once your baby starts moving around, life gets wonderfully different. Enjoy the world as Baby explores new spaces for the first time.

Remember this: it never gets easier, it just gets different. Love every minute of it. It flies by so fast. And enjoy your third trimester of pregnancy! 

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Elisa Schmitz
Yes, a baby sling is a great idea during the third trimester of pregnancy! Especially when I was carrying twins, I don't know how I would have managed without one. Thanks for the great post, Melissa Hurt !
Jane Wilder-O'Connor
Great post Melissa! Life offers many trial runs. My personal favorite is two year olds as practice for teenagers. There were so many similarities, I’ve always been surprised not to have been informed.
Such helpful tips. 🙏🏼

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