​Baby Development & Baby-care Tips: How to Care for Your 3-Month-Old Baby by 30Seconds Mom

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​Baby Development & Baby-care Tips: How to Care for Your 3-Month-Old Baby

Most expectant couples are excited about parenthood. Imagine having a little version of you running around and seeking your attention throughout the day. How exciting! It’s in many people's nature to want to care for someone, and there’s nothing better than doing it for your own flesh and blood. Babies are a blessing – they can change your life for the best as you become more and more responsible and grow as a parent with each passing day.

However, first-time parents may encounter some hiccups along the way. Your baby is now 3 months old, and you will probably start to see some changes. For one, the constant crying may reduce and babies may start expressing themselves with some nonverbal cues. But they’re still babies and they can’t tell you when they’re sick, hungry or sleepy. You have to be very involved and a keen observer as a mom or dad.

Wondering how much should a 3-month-old eats, how much they sleep they need, or other areas of baby development? Here are five tips to help you care for your 3-month-old baby:

1. Take Note of Their Sleeping Pattern

A 3-month-old baby may start following or creating a sleeping schedule. A nap may last for only 30 minutes, but babies should sleep for longer periods at night. At this point, you may be able to tell when your baby needs to sleep. On average, most 3-month-old babies sleep about 14 to 17 hours per day at this age.

Consider creating a nighttime routine for your baby. Being positive won’t hurt when trying to create a sleep routine! You can start by putting them to bed at the same time every night, singing to them and turning off the lights. Comfort is vital during your baby’s sleep time. You may want to consider purchasing some sleeping bags for your baby. Sleeping bags may help you and your baby get a better night’s sleep.

2. Consider Your Baby's Feeding Schedule

By the third month, your baby may have grasped the concept of feeding. However, their feeding patterns may not be as frequent as before. Your baby may be easily distracted by every passing object as they become more aware of the things around them. They may pause in between to look around or even stare at you. They may turn to every slight sound or noise that disrupts their feeding time. To avoid this, you can try going to a quieter place with fewer distractions. Getting enough nutrition is important for growing babies.

You should also be careful with what you feed your baby at this time. At 3 months old, they’re still too young to start consuming solid foods, so stick with breastmilk and/or formula. Of course, your baby may still wake up at night, but it may be less frequent. Bottle-fed babies usually don’t need as much feeding as breastfed babies at night.

3. Ensure Your Baby Is Safe at All Times

At 3 months, your baby may start to develop curiosity. You may see them taking note of their surroundings, and turning or lifting their heads from side to side to follow any moving object. They may even try to roll or chew on some toys you placed on their hands. All these are good signs that your baby is growing, but they also could pose some dangers to them. Remember, babies are vulnerable and can’t protect themselves.

Therefore, you need to be careful with the baby toys you give them. It’s also an excellent time to babyproof the house, if you haven’t done it already. Keep every corner of the baby's room clean at all times and take every necessary precaution for their safety. Your baby’s well-being should be front and foremost in your mind. 

4. Communicate With Your Baby

Many 3-month-old babies have grasped a few tricks, including nonverbal communication cues. They may lift their hands when they want you to pick them up, make soft noises and coo to catch your attention, or rub their eyes when sleeping or waking.

Communicating with your baby early on may help them become social individuals with better IQ and vocabulary. You can make simple gestures, sing songs and make sounds to amuse them and grab their attention. You also can hand them soft toys – it helps them work on their grasping skills. Your baby may be able to keep themselves more engaged at this age, but you still want to create time to play with them.

5. Encourage Baby's Development

The third month is when you may start noticing developmental changes in your baby. They can start sucking more intensely, drooling, nibbling and chewing on things, although most have no teeth yet. You can encourage their development and growth by using some care tips.

As babies get older, you may notice that if they grab something, they may quickly put it in their mouths. Once you notice the chewing has started, it may be safe to put them in bed with a pacifier.

Caring for your 3-month-old baby can be daunting. But these insights on your baby's development may help you learn the ropes of babies' feeding, sleeping, communicating and safety needs. As a new parent, it's time to watch your little one grow and thrive. 

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Elisa Schmitz
I remember my babies being 3 months old. It's a magical time of growth and development, and you see changes happening daily. Thank you for the helpful tips for parents!
Donna John
Ah, I remember when my kids were that age! You can never get too much advice, especially if you're a first-time parent. Great tips!
Babies grow so fast. Enjoy every moment.
I remember these milestones so well. Helpful tips!

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