4 Things Stay-at-Home & Work-at-Home Moms Must Add to Their To-Do List Now! by Ann Marie Patitucci

7 years ago

4 Things Stay-at-Home & Work-at-Home Moms Must Add to Their To-Do List Now!

Now that the kids are going back to school, we stay-at-home and work-at-home moms have so much to do – everything we put off while we were with our kids this summer. If you're like me, your impulse is to tackle your to-do list. But let's not, at least not right away. Let's acknowledge all that we accomplished this summer (making memories, caring for our kids, preparing them for school, etc.) and then take a day or two to do something for us. How about this for a to-do list: 

  • get a pedicure
  • read a novel
  • go for a walk
  • meet a friend for lunch

SAHMs and WAHMs, we've earned this time. The other stuff can wait!

Elisa Schmitz
Amen, Ann Marie Gardinier Halstead! Let's get on this self-care thing, now! xoxo
Ann Marie Patitucci
My kids started school yesterday. While I've gotten some things checked off my list, I've also met a friend for coffee, gone to the gym, & done some reading!
Kristy Dominiak
This is a must!! Life isn't about the accomplishments but about the moments! It's time for us to be "present" with ourselves. Great tip!!
Kelli Porcaro
I like your thinking! And even though my kids are in their 20s I'm still going to join you in this list of fun things to do!!
Meredith Schneider
What an awesome reminder! Time to schedule some spa time and lunch with friends ;) Hubby and I have been enjoying day time dates with all 4 kids being at school! Wink! Wink! 15yrs and still acting like newlyweds ;)
And what about the joy of seeing a movie - at the theatre - and not years old rentals.
Ann Marie Patitucci
I love these comments, ladies! This a.m. I met a friend for coffee, got a massage, and ran errands without the kids! I feel like a new woman!
Naimah Razak
Self love bandwagon: note to myself to jump on and stay on without guilt.
Ann Marie Patitucci
You can do it, Naimah! xoxo
Elisa Schmitz
I love all of your feedback, chicas! Ann Marie Gardinier Halstead Kristy Dominiak Kelli Schulte Meredith Schneider Marilyn Naimah Razak - if we don't take care of ourselves, who will take care of those we love?
Ann Marie Patitucci
Exactly, Elisa (though I do need to remind myself of this sometimes)!

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