Benefits of Physical Therapy: 3 Ways Physical Therapists May Help You Regain Your Strength by 30Seconds Health

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2 years ago

Benefits of Physical Therapy: 3 Ways Physical Therapists May Help You Regain Your Strength

Does stretching overhead feel impossible, at least without pain? Does lifting a heavy box that you once managed easily take a toll on your back? Maybe an injury has taken you out of the game or you're having trouble reaching your goals due to a lack of strength? If you can relate to any of these questions, you might want to make an appointment at Kingston Physical Therapy or a physical therapy clinic in your area to regain or improve your strength.

If you've been thinking about specialized surgery following an injury, you should know that research has found physical therapy can cut costs by nearly 72 percent, by providing relief without having the need for an operating room. Here are just some of the ways a physical therapist can help you regain your strength:

1. Targeted Exercises to Improve Strength After an Injury

No matter how careful you might be, injuries can still occur. But physical therapy may help you get back to your former self while providing you with the essentials to lower the risk of a recurrence. Your muscles work in a chain reaction, and when one or multiple areas are weaker than the others, the body tries to compensate which can result in an injury, which means the muscles surrounding the injury will be weaker and require rehabilitative conditioning. Physical therapy can be the vehicle to get them back to where they should be by using targeted exercises. A physical therapist will also address the factors that contributed to your injury such as overuse or weakness, which may help to avoid similar injuries in the future

A program will be created so that you can regain full function of the injured area, including rebuilding muscles so that they're stronger by honing in on your goals and areas that need improvement.

2. Building Core Strength for Better Functioning 

If your core has weakened over time, it may lead to injuries and difficulty performing day-to-day functions. In fact, core strength is key to preventing injuries. When we age, our bodies begin to disintegrate over time, with bones and cartilage experiencing lots of wear and tear over the years, especially if we don't have a strong core. That's where physical therapy comes in. By working with a physical therapist, they'll determine the best course of action to boost the strength of your core muscles, prescribing the best exercises that shouldn't put you at risk for injury.

Strong postural muscles help suspend the bones to help them move better. For runners, physical therapy that aims to strengthen the core may prevent neck and back pain. Some of the things that a physical therapist will do to help you regain core strength include prescribing exercises like stretchingswimming and walking. Initially, they may supervise sessions to ensure you're doing them correctly. They may also help you stay motivated so that you can continue to progress and suggest other activities, as well as provide advice and answer questions you might have.

3. Building or Rebuilding Strength for Athletic Performance 

Some athletes, such as boxers, need enhanced physical strength to withstand the physical stress of receiving blows during competitions. A physical therapist may help strengthen the muscles, joints and ligaments to help a boxer reach his or her full potential. Of course, they also can help athletes of all types rebuild strength following an injury so that they can get back in the game while reducing pain at the same time.

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Donna John
I had physical therapy on my arm when I was younger. Helped so much. I have a few friends in physical therapy right now for various reasons - neck, shoulder, back.
Elisa Schmitz
I have used physical therapy to successfully help treat back, neck and hip pain. It's a game-changer, for sure. Thanks for the great insights!
What a great option. I need to look into this again.
Hopeful and helpful! 🙏🏼
Core strengthening is key to recovery.

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