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One Hour of Parent Coaching With Eirene Heidelberger of GIT Mom! (NOT PUBLISHED) by Eirene Heidelberger

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7 years ago
One Hour of Parent Coaching With Eirene Heidelberger of GIT Mom!

Do you ever feel like you are just not Mom enough? Partner enough? Friend enough? Help is only an email away! Eirene Heidelberger, the GIT Mom, a certified parent coach, will give you the confidence to be a strong woman and guide you in being a more confident parent and GET IT TOGETHER. 

Whether you have a newborn, two under two or are sending your youngest off to full-day school, the GIT Mom coaches effective parenting tools for moms to create the right family balance to have more time for the activities they most enjoy. Who doesn't want happy mommy time? Just remember, happy, confident moms raise happy and confident kids! If you aren't living your most happy mommy life, it's time to make a change. Eirene offers 60 minutes of parent coaching by Skype or email and can't wait to hear from you!

Elisa Schmitz
Who couldn't use a personal parenting coach? Eirene Heidelberger knows what she's talking about. Thanks for providing this great service, chica! ❤️
Eirene Heidelberger
Thank you for your kind words Elisa All Schmitz 30Seconds ! Every family's issues I tackle are tougher than the next and in 4 years there has never been a fail. It all comes down to the parent whisperer giving mommy a little TLC to carry though the plan!

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