Stress-free Play: Keep Kids From Being Overstimulated With This Parenting Trick! Playtime Parenting

Kids can become over-stimulated by too many toys, making playtime more stressful than it should be. My solution? Categorize children's small toys into containers, and store them out of the child's view. At play time, take your child to the toy storage and offer a choice of one or two containers. This makes cleaning a breeze! It also keeps your child focused on play, not on thoughts of what to play with next. 

Talk about the colors, shapes, textures and functions of the toys as your child plays. If your child gets bored with a set of toys, offer the option to exchange it for another.

See more tips on – Inspire and be inspired!
Toys for Kids $2 & Up
Toy Boxes $20 & Up

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