Holiday Presents Vs. Presence: 4 Ways to Have the Best Holiday Season Ever & With Less Stress Holidays

Erica Hornthal
5 years ago

Imagine a holiday season without stress, where everyone gets along and you actually have the opportunity to relax. Are you rolling your eyes right now? Thinks it's not possible? It is! What is the secret to having your best holiday season ever? 


It is not about giving the best present, but rather being present. So how do we do it?

  • Limit distractions. We live our lives in a state of constant distraction. Rather than multitasking, make one thing a priority and you will find you still get everything done. You may even be more efficient. 
  • Streamline your calendar. Rather than fitting in as much as possible and "getting the most out of your time off," make a conscious effort to choose activities that energize and nourish you, not leave you emotionally and physically exhausted.
  • Make yourself a priority. We often focus on others to avoid thinking about ourselves. Pick one or two activities just for you and reconnect to a part of you that may have been neglected.
  • Embrace the here and now. We spend much of our lives reliving the past or anticipating the future. Focus on the present time. 

Now sit back and observe the power of being present.

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Comments (1)

Elisa Schmitz
YES! The right tips at the right time, Erica Hornthal . We have to say no even more often during the holidays, otherwise they become the most stressful time of year when they should be the most wonderful. I love "presence, not presents." Perfect. Thank you for this great post!
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