30Seconds Favorites Awards Programs: Why & How to Participate! Tribe Talk

30Seconds Mom
6 years ago

Want your product to stand out in the crowded marketplace? There are so many product choices for families, and so much noise and clutter on social media and blogs, that it’s hard to know what products are worth it and what’s not. The 30Seconds Favorites Awards program identifies the “must-have” items for parents and their families, then shares them with our audience, social networks and the media. Award winners can use our eye-catching seals to let their products stand out from the crowd. Here’s how it works:

  • Submit your product information via this form on our site.
  • Submit the $300 awards program submission fee via PayPal.
  • Ship three identical samples of your product to our office so we can get them to our reviewers. We'll email you our office shipping information once we have successfully received your submission form and payment.

Have questions about the 30Second Mom Favorites Awards? Check out our FAQ or simply Contact Us. We’ll be in touch soon to explain how the process works. Here are a few of the companies and products that have participated:

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We look forward to working with you!

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