Redefining Rejection: 8 Ways to Build Confidence & Grow (Plus Affirmations) by Maria Baltazzi, PhD, MFA

19 days ago

Redefining Rejection: 8 Ways to Build Confidence & Grow (Plus Affirmations)

As we welcome the continued blossoming of spring, I want to address a topic that touches us all: rejection. Whether in our careersrelationships or personal pursuits, rejection can cast a shadow over even the sunniest days.

Think about the last time you faced rejection. Maybe it was a job application, a creative project or a simple invitation. Regardless of the circumstance, remember that you are not alone. Rejection is a universal experience, capable of leaving us all feeling disheartened and uncertain. Yet, it is crucial to recognize that rejection does not define your worth or abilities.

So, how can you navigate rejection with resilience and self-compassion, transforming setbacks into opportunities for growth and self-discovery? Here are eight practical pieces of advice and affirmations to help you do just that:

1. Separate Rejection From Self-Worth

Separating ourselves from rejection can be tricky because we identify so much with what we do instead of who we are. However, remind yourself that rejection does not reflect your value as a person.

Affirmation. "I am more than my achievements or failures."

2. Challenge Negative Thoughts

Ask yourself, "Is this true? "Does this define me?" "Am I really a failure?" Am I really not good?" Chances are the answer to any of these questions when you do a deep dive is "no."

Affirmation. "I refuse to let negative thoughts dictate my self-perception."

3. Practice Self-Compassion

Be kind to yourself. Talk to yourself like you are soothing a friend because you are – that is yourself. You are worthy of love and acceptance, especially from yourself. Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you would offer to a loved one in a similar situation.

Affirmation. "I am worthy of love and acceptance, especially from myself." 

4. Learn From Rejections

Take your focus off the pain and shift it to what is helpful. What is the lesson? How can you grow? Every rejection is not just a setback. It is an opportunity for growth and improvement – a chance to learn more about yourself and your capabilities.

Affirmation. "Every rejection is an opportunity for growth and improvement."

5. Celebrate Your Efforts 

Trying is worthy of celebrating. Prize yourself for the effort and the experience you gain from your efforts, regardless of the outcome.

Affirmation. "I honor the effort I put into pursuing my goals."

6. Focus On What You Can Control

While you cannot control others, you can control your reactions and how long you dwell in negative and hurt feelings. So, if you receive a rejection email, instead of dwelling on it, you can choose to spend the next hour doing something that makes you happy, like reading a book or going for a walk. Shift your focus to actions that are positive and promote your growth.

Affirmation. "I am empowered to manage my reactions and emotions."

7. Remember Your Past Successes 

Think about moments when you succeeded. Maybe you got the project you wanted, or you got in the door somewhere you thought was impossible, or you won an award of recognition. Lean into how these positive moments felt to help you feel better when feeling down.

Affirmation. "I have overcome obstacles before and will do so again."

8. Engage In Positive Activities 

Do something fun and rewarding. Go dance, hike a mountain or spend time with supportive friends.

Affirmation. "I prioritize activities that nourish my soul and uplift my spirits."

So, the next time you feel let down, look for ways to shift your mindset positively. Reflect on how you have dealt with rejection in the past and what you can do in the future to deal constructively with these challenging emotions. How can you apply the advice above in your daily life?

Please share your experiences or thoughts on handling rejection in the comments section.

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Elisa Schmitz
I love this! The affirmations are awesome, very inspiring. Many thanks for sharing with us!

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