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Quick Question With an In-depth Answer by Barbara Sheridan (NOT PUBLISHED) by Barbara Sheridan

for you for kids
6 years ago
Quick Question With an In-depth Answer by Barbara Sheridan

Barbara Sheridan has more than 20 years experience in developing and training professionals and parents on child-directed programming and techniques. She founded and is in her seventh year of being lead teacher at Barrie Forest Kindergarten and Nature School. She has received her Forest Kindergarten Teacher training, a Child and Youth Work diploma, a Degree in Psychology and is currently pursuing a Master's in Education focusing on innovation, creativity and sustainability.

Barbara is offering one in-depth answer about a specific topic you have a question about. In a message, you can ask one detailed question or a general question in which she will ask you for more details. You will walk away from your chat with Barbara with an in-depth answer and how to apply it to your child, classroom or understanding of a concept. Learn more about Barbara!

Elisa Schmitz
This is brilliant, Barbara Sheridan . I think every parent would appreciate an answer from an expert like you. Thank you for this!

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