Is It Time for a Change? Our Soul Listens & Knows - Why You Need to Hear It! by Annie Burnside

8 years ago

Is It Time for a Change? Our Soul Listens & Knows - Why You Need to Hear It!

Often we ignore signs that it may be time for a change because our mind doesn't want to truly see what is happening if it feels damaging to the ego. And yet, our soul does want to bring truth to light and recognizes the signs as for our higher good. So whether it be in a marriage, at work, with family and friends or in regard to our health, listen to the subtle voice from your soul that takes pause and notices the truth. 

Learn to feel your way. 

Don't let a red flag become a flaming red hot flag. The courage to change course is within you, always. Practice trusting yourself. Your soul knows!

Dr. Shayna Mancuso
Great reminder for everyone!! Thank you❤️

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