Why "I Don't Know" May Be the Best Motherhood Mantra Ever! by Sheryl Gould

Parenting Motherhood
7 years ago

Why "I Don't Know" May Be the Best Motherhood Mantra Ever!

I have a new mantra and it’s freeing me up from a lot of emotional junk: “I don’t know.” It’s the truth.

  • I don’t know if I’m doing this parenting thing “right.”
  • I don’t know if my older daughter struggles today because I screwed some things up parenting her.
  • I don’t know if I’m hovering over my 17-year-old too much.

I don’t know a lot of things! Are you tired of feeling guilty for not knowing the answer to something that has to do with parenting your kids? How about feeling pressure to have something figured out? You don’t have to have it figured out right now. Humility is at the heart of relationships and “I don’t know” is a beautiful way to start.

The next time you’re tempted to have an answer, instead, shrug your shoulders and say out loud, “I don’t know!" It's freeing!

Donna John
Great advice, momsoftweensandteens! Welcome to the tribe!
Sheryl Gould
Thanks Donna - Grateful to be here and a part of the tribe! Looking forward to meeting other moms, reading all the great articles and sharing them with my community of moms!
Elisa Schmitz
Very excited to learn from you and have you as part of our tribe, momsoftweensandteens! Please friend me on FB so I can add you to our private group there! 😀
Kelli Porcaro
hmmm...going to definitely try this out this week! ;) Welcome...excited to learn from you momsoftweensandteens
Sheryl Gould
Hi Kelli! Let me know how it goes. It definitely has helped me to be kinder to myself as a mom!
Sheryl Gould
Thank you Mercedes!

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