Unhealthy Diets Can Affect Your Well-being: 3 Telltale Signs of a Bad Diet! by Susan Bowerman, M.S., R.D., CSSD, CSOWM, FAND

6 years ago

Unhealthy Diets Can Affect Your Well-being: 3 Telltale Signs of a Bad Diet!

Can you recognize the telltale signs of an unhealthy and unbalanced diet? Here are three signs of a poor diet:

  • Dietary fiber promotes regularity and those who don’t consume it often enough find themselves suffering from irregularity and constipation. Make it a goal to eat a fruit or vegetable at every meal and snack.
  • Meals and snacks with loads of refined carbohydrates and sweets tend to lead to a rapid rise in blood sugar, which is often followed by a steep drop. Get your carbohydrates from healthy sources, such as whole grains, beans and vegetables and include protein with each meal or snack, as it helps to slow the rate of digestion and maintain your blood sugar levels.
  • People who eat poorly often eat irregularly, and may indulge in large, heavy meals and snack frequently towards the end of the day and into the night. Eat smaller, lighter meals at least three hours before you lie down to sleep.

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